Topic 1 – Key concepts in chemistry
- Atomic structure
- The periodic table
- Ionic bonding
- Covalent bonding
- Types of substance
- Calculations involving masses
Topic 2 – States of matter and mixtures
- States of matter
- Methods of separating and purifying substances
Topic 3 – Chemical changes
- Acids
- Electrolytic processes
Topic 4 – Extracting metals and equilibria
- Obtaining and using metals
- Reversible reactions and equilibria
Topic 5 – Separate chemistry 1
- Transition metals, alloys and corrosion
- Quantitative analysis
- Dynamic equilibria
- Chemical cells and fuel cells
Topics for Paper 2
Topic 6 – Groups in the periodic table
- Group 1
- Group 7
- Group 0
Topic 7 – Rates of reaction and energy changes
- Rates of reaction
- Heat energy changes in chemical reactions
Topic 8 – Fuels and Earth science
- Fuels
- Earth and atmospheric science
Topic 9 – Separate chemistry 2
- Qualitative analysis: tests for ions
- Hydrocarbons
- Polymers
- Alcohols and carboxylic acids
- Bulk and surface properties of matter including nanoparticles
Question By Topic